West Marches

From Legends of Sarapadia
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The West Marches of the Urdai Sinwal stretch from the edge of the Faewald on the east out to the Hâzek Hills in the west and north, to the Sarapadian Seas in the south. Home to Udoros and Tanis Redblade, this region was originally settled by gnomes and humans when the elves of Tarisir arrived. This region was the preferred location for the vineyards of the Northmen, and the vintners of Hâzek provided wine to men and gnomes for millennia before the elves arrived. This region remains one of the most fertile lands in all of Sarapadia with rich, dark, rocky soil which grows grape vines, hops, and a rich hemp crop used for fabrics and for tackle goods. The elves of Tarisir vowed to protect these lands after their Enlightenment, and have done so for the benefit of the peoples of Sarapadia, with the city of Hâzek becoming a western metropolis of men, elves, dwarves, and gnomes living together in harmony. Just before the time of the Battle of Five Ridges, the city of Hâzek lost nearly 70% of its population to the war efforts, and the gnome city of Kîmet was razed to the ground. A plot was later uncovered by The Party by Nüat to aid The Enemy for dominance of the West Marches, collapsing the military support network and defense systems of the entire region, causing it to fall.