Vesuvan Aurora
The Vesuvan Aurora is unique to Vesuva and is created by the Scion of Humans, the Lady of Light. It is a feature of her inherent gifts being Scion, but only comes into effect when the Lady of Light is particularly attuned to the needs of the City of Vesuva above herself and her personal preferences. This has historically made her very popular politically, and more than once has Vesuva's primary executive officer been the Lady of Light. It is generated by the goodwill of the people of Sarapadia when they are in a majority alignment with the will of the Lady, and tends to evidence in times of fecundity and times of disaster. Conversely, when the Lady of Light strays from her path, the Aurora will wane and vanish, and history mentions more than one Lady being held accountable for her failure in duty to the people of Vesuva. The benefits of the Aurora are largely disputed among scholars, as no two Aurora have had the same effects, and few have lived long enough to live through multiple Ladies of Light to compare. The Elves visiting from the Greybark who live in or near Vesuva have been documenting its effects for centuries, and are unable to construct any pattern, other than attributing benefits to the individual who generates the Aurora. One Lady whose Aurora appeared during warfare provided actual city defense, the very air resisting every movement of the enemy while lending healing and endurance benefits to those friendly to the city. Another Lady whose Aurora appeared during a multi-year drought and harsh winters made food more nourishing and reduced the effects of famine from 1/3 to 1/10 of the population, and more room was made to house those from outlying areas for survival. Each Aurora seemed to reflect both the personality of the Lady in office, as well as the environment from which she came.