Göia Goodpenny

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Göia Goodpenny

Also known as Aelwen Yllarona Crochenydd of the Potter Clan of Gnomes. She uses this name to live incognito. Few know her by her real name.

According to Kyðeon, as told to The Party:

"The Scion of the Gnomes was last reported over 20 years ago as Göia Goodpenny, but her whereabouts haven’t been confirmed for decades. I believe she is yet alive, and that she is somewhere secure, or at the very least, hidden; but I believe the Gnomes more willing to tell you their secrets of enchanting than to yield her location to any non-Gnome. Her last known location was Kîmet. Since the machines of the Gnomes are that which brought down the Chromatic Dragons, or appeared to do the majority of the work, it makes sense to me that The Enemy would strike there to assure that the fully-capable Scion would be killed, and it would take a generation to bring another to adulthood, providing the time necessary to hunt that Scion down, which explains the need for The Enemy to ward the materials and homelands of the Gnomes and Dwarves. I didn’t learn her name until recently, myself."

By Göia's own accounting, the Goodpenny clan is not thought well of among the halfling community. She said of her clan, "We have aided and abetted the Enemy and this is now my shame to bear. My parents were both so enthralled by the words and will of the Enemy that they never saw me escape, and my power as a Scion likely hid me from the Enemy’s view, and therefore, consideration. I escaped and was rescued by the Everharts, who knew not of me, but knew the treachery of my clan name, so they gave me the name Aelwen. I told them my clan was annihilated and I would seek to join a new clan that would have me. The Potters took me in, and gave me their name to use. I am the Scion of the Gnomes, and I am gifted with the ability to detect and use Dragon Seeds to make marvelous works of magical engineering."