Kasten Goodpenny is the castellan overseeing the reconstruction of Kîmet under orders from Kydeon. According to Gári Everhart, Kasten was a tax collector for the Goldenboars via the Goodpenny clan for decades. She isn’t sure how he wormed his way back there, but she doesn’t like it.
Acting on Gári's suspicions, The Party decided to interogate Kasten, and he confirmed his orders originally came from Nüat, and he assumed it was the decree of their king. He confirms his tenure as a tax collector, accountant, and remunerator to the Goldenboars on behalf of the Goodpennys from a period of time some 50 years ago until 20 years ago, when Kîmet fell and he fled to the West March only to find a forest overrun and the Western Outpost abandoned. His folk fled further north and received orders from Nüat to ward the remains of Kîmet as the new castellan, as though they were orders from the King himself. The Everharts continued to discover enclaves and serve as a liaison between them, while the remnants of the Goodpennys were later enslaved to serve The Enemy. Only with your recent visits did Kasten have any hope that his fool’s errand would finally come to an end, and now that he sees that he can help to rebuild something his clan destroyed, he seems ever-bent upon this task. You realize that this labor is not one of love, but rather, of penance. This would likely explain his haggard appearance, the dark circles under his eyes, and the incredible landscape design he has performed. Udoros and Laima both agree the fortifications they have now and the layout of the surrounding area makes this location surprisingly defensible, and of sufficient quality to give problems to bulettes and remorhaz which could return.
The Party presented Kasten to Kyðeon with the results of his interrogation, claiming Kasten was likely under the sway or even spell of The Enemy. Kyðeon revealed he is still holding Nüat until he determines a proper course of action. He still feels execution is the wisest course for the safety of his people, but also sends a mixed message to leaders about how leadership operates. Kyðeon notes Lord General Maecas and the tale of his brother at the hand of his own father, and admits his alarm at how far the Eastern Kingdom drifted from the time of his sister’s influence. He agreed to investigate Kasten further, and remand him to custody for now.